Center for Creating Value in Denmark are planning to make a bid for the Creating value conference 2024.
Center for Social Value Creation, University of Maryland, USA
The Center for Social Value Creation housed within the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business serves to educate, engage, and empower the Smith community and the world to create a better world through business. We do this through thought-provoking dialogue, hands-on experiences, and thought leadership. Each year we fulfill all three of these pillars through our programmatic and research efforts. In May 2022, the Center hosted its inaugural Environmental, Social, Governance Conference: Reimagine Your Impact in which industry experts and thought leaders gathered to engage in meaningful discussions surrounding ESG topics and implications for the business world. This past December, the Center hosted its second ESG Conference, this one with an exciting launch of our Lnvironmental and Social Value Creation Report which examined nine industries and their efforts to create an environmentally and socially positive impact. This report introduces new perspectives on how Social Value
Creation is being implemented in practice and offers insights that are at the forefront of social impact as we know it, to learn more about these exciting initiatives, read our reports here.
Our Impact Consulting Fellowship (ICF), piloted in the summer of 2020, has been running for 8 iterations now. With over 500 students and 12 colleges, this unique program provides students of all levels at the university an opportunity to engage in hands-on, pro-bono consulting work within a team for B-Corporations, non-profit organizations, and for-profit impact-driven organizations in various industries. Our students have helped over 60 organizations and are eager to continue offering their support, if you know of an impact-driven organization that would be interested in partnering with us for this mutually beneficial opportunity please email to get involved! This upcoming Fall we will also
be hosting the 6th Global Conference on Social Value Creation where we will be bringing together leaders from around the world to discuss and uncover opportunities for value creation within their organizations and industries.
To stay updated on the latest Center for Social Value Creation news and learn more, visit our website.
Value School at JAIST
JAIST (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) is the first higher education institution in Japan that offers only graduate programs; it does not have any undergraduate program ( Its main campus is located in Ishikawa Prefecture, but it also educates professional working students at Tokyo Satellite. Tokyo Satellite mainly focuses on recurrent education for working professionals. Once they left schooling, recurrent education assists them, to update their skills required by their jobs at the time they need them.
JAIST has launched a Creating Value Program for doctoral students studying at Tokyo Satellite since April 2022. This is a diploma of creating value program that can be attained after the completion of the required credits. This diploma aims to let the students procure the determination and skills of creating value thinking.
Initially, the participants of the Creating Value Program learn a group active learning method called Learning through Discussion (Rabow, 2000). This learning method allows them to improve their skill for intense reading of the literature through the power of collaboration, i.e., critically reading the literature. We expect that this method will give students the basic skills for creating value and will improve their power of thinking out of the box.
An LTD session is a one-hour interactive session, either in person or online. However, to make the interactive session meaningful, the participants are required to read the assigned literature in advance and prepare their own presentation note as homework. Therefore, it requires strong motivation to continue. We are happy to report that more than 10 doctoral and master’s course students, including voluntary participation, are currently participating to two LTD sessions per month.
Rabow, J., Charness, M. A., Kippermann, J., & Radcliffe-Vasile, S. (2000). William Fawcett Hill’s learning through discussion. Waveland Press.
Value Research Center School at Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
VRC Juku (School) launched in November 2022, and as of today we’ve had two guest speaker events. Dr. Mario Abela from the Value Balancing Alliance and David Frieberg from the founding team of Harvard impact Weighted Accounts. We are planning our next Global Innovation and Value Summit (GIVS 2023) for November 17th and 18th, 2023 in Kyoto and Osaka, in collaboration with Doshisha University and Osaka University.
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