Centre for Social Value Creation at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, USA
The Centre for Social Value Creation (CSVC) embodies a passionate mission: educate, engage and empower Smith students to create a better world through business. We strive to create a world where businesses operate for the long-term value of both people and planet. Internally, we are the hub of learning for how business is good for society. We represent the Smith school in collaboration with other departments to instil social impact in every sector related to business. Externally, we create future business leaders that will be able to tackle our world’s greatest challenges. These business leaders will shape their organizations to understand the values of both mission and profit.
Accomplishments at CSVC annually include engaging over 5000 Smith Students, Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Industry professionals through our speaker events, newsletter, case competitions, and other experiential learning opportunities. This past year we founded our Impact Consulting Fellowship. Over the course of 8 weeks ICF offered a summer learning experience for 145 students, supporting 23 different impact-driven organizations, impacting all 17 United Nations SDGs and totalled over 12,000 hours of pro bono consulting service.
Tata North America was a sponsor for the last 5 years
Madden Center for Value Creation, Florida Atlantic University add matter, USA
In the one year since inception, the Madden Center for Value Creation significantly delivered on mission and vision through the following activities:
Value Creation Certificate: In summer 2023, the Center launches a free course on a scalable, asynchronous educational platform. Participants completing the course receive a Certificate in Value Creation. The course covers the pragmatic theory of the firm; work, innovation, and resource allocation; life-cycle performance and firm risk; intangible assets, brands, and shareholder returns; organizational structure and adaptability; and free-market capitalism, knowledge building, and value creation.
Research Conferences: Twelve online conferences included two special issues of Academy of Management Perspectives in conjunction with Institute for Humane Studies. Topics include corporate governance and higher education finance, accountability, and governance, and involve faculty from Harvard and other top schools. In December 2023, the Center is co-sponsoring an AI conference in 2023 along with the A. P. Sloan Foundation and the Desautels Center for Integrative Thinking at the University of Toronto.
Entrepreneurship, Longevity and Biotech Conference: Held in March 2023 at FAU for 150 attendees (national and international) discussed with twenty-five world-leading experts.
Free Speech Events: Babylon Bee Seth Dillon spoke to a luncheon of over 100 community members and students. Partnering with Voices for Liberty, Devon Westhill, President and General Counsel for the Center for Equal Opportunity, addressed 150+ students.
Community Presentations: The Madden Center routinely presents to local groups, most recently 200 human resource professionals on Developing Value Creators in the Workplace.
Book: In Summer 2023, the Center launches an edited open-access volume, Value Creation, Entrepreneurship, and Public Policy (World Scientific) of research chapters by Madden Center affiliated faculty on topics such as human capital, reciprocity and relationship management, family firms, and health administration.
Knowledge Repository: This open access database of knowledge materials is available to all, and incorporated into undergraduate and graduate courses.
Visiting Scholars: Eight academic scholars from six countries visited in year one, most typically for 3 months. Six scheduled for next year. All scholar costs covered by external scholarships, including three Fulbright Scholars (Finland, Hungary, and Kazakhstan).
Civics Education: This Florida Department of Corrections (FDC)-accredited course is for incarcerated persons in South Florida to read, study, and discuss basic and advanced materials in civics, ethics, economics, and literature. Fully funded by Apgar Foundation and delivered with Certell.
Book Club: A bi-monthly meet-up at a community member’s home to discuss value reation and free enterprise rceadings.