Individual membership

Membership for individuals is free. Become a member of the Creating Value Alliance and benefit from:

  • Being informed about the latest developments in the field.
  • Getting invited to both local and global conferences, seminars and other activities.
  • Accessing the international Creating Value Alliance community with its potent network building and peer-to-peer exchanges.
  • Joining or starting value creation fora of your interest, for instance on entrepreneurship, hospitality, ICT, HRD, and Pricing.
  • Being part of one of the most powerful business ideas and movements to evolve in recent times.
  • Volunteering and help growing the concept of Value Creation.
  • Being recognized as an endorser of value creation.
  • Being inspired and finding new ways of creating value.

Institutional membership

Corporate or institutional memberships are also possible.
Benefits offered include:

  • Receiving preferential rates for attendance to the Global Conferences on Creating Value.
  • Being informed about developments and trends in the field of creating value.
  • Being consulted about themes, locations and speakers of events such as round tables and seminars.
  • Being recognized as an organization that actively supports and endorses value creation.
  • Please contact us directly for more information about the possibilities and benefits of corporate / institutional membership.


A value creation mindset drives thought processes and actions that are needed to realize purposeful, sustainable and prosperous societies, companies, institutions, NGO’s, and think-tanks. It provides a wider and more meaningful view of complex problems to solve than the yet important but fragmented and narrow expert views. For companies this is a key to increased profitability – but a profitability with awareness and understanding of the underpinning long-term factors. For non-commercial organizations it is a key to higher societal impact and appreciation.


The Creating Value Alliance seeks to achieve its aims through:

  • Supporting the international Journal of Creating Value (Sage Publications) which creates a space for academics, practitioners and policy makers to develop and share and publish original ideas.
  • Organizing Annual Global Conferences on Creating Value – a forum which assembles international thought leaders on value creation in business, consulting, academia and policy making.
  • Building an international network of people supporting the development and dissemination of the value creation concept and mindset.
  • Supporting initiatives of our members to lead or join activities such as workshops, seminars and webinars that further the aims of the Creating Value Alliance.
  • Introducing, collating and disseminating ideas and practices of value creation in all areas of society the world around. We welcome fresh and thought-provoking approaches.